This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

Otago Bioinformatics Spring School 2022 - Day 1: Glossary

Key Points

Introduction to NeSI
  • NeSI provides interactive access through Jupyter hub

Introduction to the UNIX shell
  • The shell gives you the ability to work more efficiently by using keyboard commands rather than a GUI.

  • Useful commands for navigating your file system include: ls, pwd, and cd.

  • Tab completion can reduce errors from mistyping and make work more efficient in the shell.

Introducing R and Juypter Notebooks
  • R is a powerful, popular open-source scripting language

R Basics
  • Effectively using R is a journey of months or years. Still you don’t have to be an expert to use R and you can start using and analyzing your data with with about a day’s worth of training

  • It is important to understand how data are organized by R in a given object type and how the mode of that type (e.g. numeric, character, logical, etc.) will determine how R will operate on that data.

  • Working with vectors effectively prepares you for understanding how data are organized in R.

R Basics continued - factors and data frames
  • It is easy to import data into R from tabular formats including Excel. However, you still need to check that R has imported and interpreted your data correctly

  • There are best practices for organizing your data (keeping it tidy) and R is great for this

  • Base R has many useful functions for manipulating your data, but all of R’s capabilities are greatly enhanced by software packages developed by the community
