Bioinformatics Spring School 2023


Hosted at the University of Otago, the Bioinformatics Spring School 2023 is a week long training event for researchers, supported by Genomics Aotearoa and the New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI). This event is primarily targeted at researchers and students based in Aotearoa New Zealand. International applications will be considered but will need to be able to attend in-person.

We will combine talks from researchers and hands on computational workshops (influenced by The Carpentries), covering example workflows using short and long read DNA sequencing technologies for variant calling and genome assembly.

This event is organised by:

Please email for futher information/queries.

When and where?

This is an in-person event.

Day Topic
Monday Introduction NeSI / Bash
Tuesday Genomic variant calling
Wednesday Workflows and Reproducibility
Thursday Genome Assembly
Friday Nanopore


This event itself will only cost your time (there isn’t a $ charge) and lunches will be provided. Attendees will need to fund all other travel related expenses.

Is this for me?

This event is designed to give researchers (including students - 4th year and above) the opportunity to learn about and practice some bioinformatic skills. We’ll be covering bioinformatic workflows such as:

along with computational topics such as:

This week long event is designed to be an immersive experience so we ask that you commit to the entire week. We have chosen to interweave the computational topics throughout the week so that we can build on them throughout the entire week, so this ensures participants have the key knowledge at the right time.

Expressions of Interest

Expressions of interest applications are now open and will close midnight, Friday 29th September 2023.

Applications closed midnight 29th September (NZ). Applicants will be notified of their outcome the week following the close of applications.


Bioinformatic topics

DNA variant calling from next generation sequence data

Genome assembly


Computational Topics

These topics will be integrated into the bioinformatics workshops and built upon across the week with the goal of demostrating a best practices workflow approach to Bioinformatics analysis.

Introduction to the Unix command line (Bash)

Many bioinformatic programs will only operate in a Unix command line environment, as such we need to provide an introduction to working in this environment which will cover:

Introduction to working in a high performance computing environment

We’ll be making use of the New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI), which is the national provider of high performance computing for researchers, to run our analysis and as part of this we’ll cover:

Introduction to Version Control

Using automated version control systems such as git is an important aspect of computational research. We’ll cover:

Introduction to Reproducible Pipelines

Often for bioinformatic analyses we have a multistep series of computations. A useful tool to manage these workflows along with keeping track of inputs and outputs, are workflow managers such as snakemake. For this we’ll cover:

Draft daily schedule

Monday 27th Nov

Time What
09:30 Welcome
10:00 Introduction to NeSI
10:45 Break
11:00 Keynote: Phil Wilcox
12:15 Lunch
13:00 Introduction to BASH
14:45 Break
15:00 BASH cont.
16:30 End of Day

Evening: Penguins and sea lions outing for those who signed up

Tuesday 28th Nov

8am Breakfast (own cost) for those who signed up

Time What
09:30 Speaker: Anna Gosling
10:00 DNA variant calling
10:45 Break
11:00 DNA variant calling cont.
12:15 Lunch
13:00 DNA variant calling cont.
14:30 Break
14:45 DNA variant calling cont
16:30 End of Day

Evening: Penguins and sea lions outing for those who signed up

Wednesday 29th Nov

Time What
9:30 Speaker
10:30 Introduction to Version Control
11:00 Break
11:15 Version Control cont.
12:15 Lunch
13:00 Reproducible pipelines
14:45 Break
15:00 Reproducible pipelines cont.
16:30 End of Day

Thursday 30th Nov

Time What
9:30 Speaker
10:30 Genome assembly
11:00 Break
11:15 Genome assembly
12:15 Lunch
13:00 Genome assembly
14:45 Break
15:00 Genome assembly
16:30 End of Day

(Optional) Drinks/nibbles at own cost, 5pm Noisy Brewery - 7 Anzac Avenue, Central Dunedin, Dunedin.

Friday 1st Dec

Time What
09:30 Introduction to Nanopore Sequencing
10:00 Nanopore flowcell loading demo: Dr Augstine Chen
10:15 Basecalling with Dorado
10:45 BREAK
11:00 Basecalling continued
11:30 QC with Nanoplot and FastQC
12:15 LUNCH
13:00 Talk: Dr Michael Dunnet
13:30 Alignment and Variant Calling
14:30 BREAK
14:45 Adaptive sampling
16:00 FINISH!