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Lesson Overview
1. Setting up Git Configuring Git for use
2. Creating a repository Creating a local git repository
3. Tracking Changes Adding and commiting files
4. Exploring History Comparing various versions of tracked files
5. Ignoring Things Excluding specific files and directories from version control
6. Remotes in Github Pushing and pulling from a remote repository


  • If possible, we do recommend using the Remote option over Local ( Especially for Windows hosts). This will eliminate the need to install any additional applications

  • Remote option will require an existing NeSI Account


Log into NeSI Mahuika Jupyter Service
  1. Follow
  2. Enter NeSI username, HPC password and 6 digit second factor token

  3. Choose server options as below
    >>make sure to choose the correct project code nesi02659, number of CPUs CPUs=2, memory 4 GB prior to pressing images button.


Local ⚠

Local host setup - Windows, MacOS & Linux
  • Native terminal client is sufficient.
  • It might not comes with wget download data via command line (can be installed with $ brew install wget)
  • However, it is not required as we provide a direct link to download data in .zip format
  • Native terminal client is sufficient.